Porto Torres – is it worth visiting?

Porto Torres, a small port town in the North of Sardinia with picturesque views and an incredibly good breakfast. Those are the two things to talk about today. It is not Castelsardo nor Alghero, it is just a tiny town in Italy, where great food and some lovely views are the main things. And if you drive along to coast to the east, you won´t regret it! 

Why is Porto Torres important

Porto Torres, situated in the island of Sardinia, holds great significance as a historical and cultural hub. Its roots trace back to ancient times when it served as a crucial Roman port, known as Turris Libisonis, connecting the island to the Mediterranean trade routes.

Today, remnants of its illustrious past can be found in the form of archaeological sites, including the ancient Roman bridge and the imposing Basilica di San Gavino. As you wander through the town, you’ll discover charming streets lined with colorful buildings, bustling markets, and a vibrant waterfront promenade.

Porto Torres not only offers a glimpse into its ancient history but also serves as a gateway to the stunning beaches and natural wonders of Sardinia. With its blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty, Porto Torres is a destination that captivates the hearts of visitors, inviting them to explore the rich tapestry of Sardinia’s past and present.

La Cialda

So let´s talk about the food – about the delicious coffee house and gelateria which can be found just at the beginning of the promenade. Using the Vergano coffee and having a warm croissant, you won´t regret visiting this place. You can sit inside or outside and I kindly recommend coming before eight am, otherwise it might be full.

THE views 

The second thing to do is sitting by the sea and enjoying the views. If you stop at any parking place in the town, you will get a beautiful view tat the sea and the port. Just stop and stare for a moment, see the sunset and enjoy the moment.

Three small beaches

I was thinking about leaving this information out, but let´s make this clear once for all. I personally do not like beaches in Porto Torres. There is a quite good, yet small beach called Balai as well a bit further from the city centre, however, it is always crowded. The beaches are small, crowded and even though there are showers and the water is clean, I preferred staying at Platamona. There are two beaches in Porto Torres and neither of them is good enough for me. So, here it is.

What about the city itself?

If you’re planning a visit to Porto Torres in Sardinia, there are several must-visit attractions that showcase the town’s rich history and natural beauty.

Explore the Basilica di San Gavino, a stunning Romanesque church known for its exquisite frescoes and mosaics. Don’t miss the ancient Roman Bridge, which offers a glimpse into Porto Torres’ past as a bustling port city. For history enthusiasts, the Balai Archaeological Park features well-preserved remains of a Roman city, including thermal baths and a theater.

Make sure to visit the Antiquarium Turritano, a museum displaying artifacts from various historical periods. Visit the Ethnographic Museum “Giovanni Pais” to learn about Sardinian culture and traditions.

Finally, take a leisurely stroll along the marina at Marina di Porto Torres, where you can enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and stunning harbor views. Experience the magic of Porto Torres and create unforgettable memories in this captivating destination.