Stroll through Rome with me

Photos speak more than thousand words. I have already described Rome, what to see there and where to go/not go. So if you want to know something more, I recommend that article. Today we will enjoy some photogenic places of Rome.

Before we look at some of the iconic places of the capital of Italy, I would like to remind you of some facts if you have not read my previous article about Rome. The third trip to Rome convinced me that it is a really beautiful city, but full of tourist traps.

10 things not to forget!
  • Rule number one is if you see a menu in Italian and English, go the other way. If anywhere says ”authentic Italian cuisine”, ”typical Italian restaurant” or anything similar, go somewhere else.
  • Drink your coffee while standing, you’ll pay less and might feel like a true Italian. Italians don’t order a cappuccino after noon because of the milk, they prefer a caffe macchiato. Latte means milk, don’t be surprised if the barista doesn’t put coffee in your latte. Alternative milks such as soy or oat are still not very common in Italy, so don’t be surprised if they don’t have it.
  • Fountains with drinking water are everywhere, but sometimes a little hidden. Mobile applications for finding them are not always completely accurate.
    Frigidarium is still great ice cream shop. Is it the best? Probably not, but it definitely great for being in the city centre of Rome. Pistachio is the must!
  • Metro is more reliable than buses. The buses don’t have much of a schedule and if you’re not at the start of their route, it’s a bit of a lottery. The metro is reliable, but expect a lot of people…Like a lot of people.
  • The Colosseum is better from the outside than from the inside.
  • There are two airports in Rome, make sure you go to the right one, the buses are right next to each other.
  • You can spend a long weekend in Rome, or even a week, you will always have something to do here.
  • Make a plan and decide which museums and monuments you want to see from the inside. Always buy tickets online, otherwise you will stand in a long queue at the venue.
  • Enjoy Rome, history, culture and great food and drink!

That would probably be all, so let’s go to the promised photos. Considering that I was in Rome in May, it was already a wonderful sunny weather without a cloud, so the photos are very nice. Of course seeing it with your own eyes would be even better!