Second largest castle in the UK

Travelling around Wales is not an easy thing to do. The weather is very moody, it is sunny and warm, two minutes later it is raining and freezing cold. That’s why when you have that one day with a nice weather, a trip is a must. This time we are going to discover the second largest castle in the UK.

The second largest castle in the UK is called Caerphilly castle and it is located in South Wales, not far away from its capital, Cardiff. The best way to get there (if you’re not driving) is by a train which departs every other hour from Cardiff. Don’t trust the google maps though, double check on the trainline website. The Caerphilly castle is quite large (yeah suprise), it occupies around 30 acres. An adult pays £8.50, student and a child £5.10 and family tickets costs £24.60 (the prices in December 2018). To find out more about the times and prices, please visit the official website.

Let’s start from the beginning

Let’s start in the beginning. What I mean by that is a little bit of history. The Caerphilly castle (in Welsh Castell Caerffili) was built in the 13th century to protect the surroundings. It was meant to help in the fight against a Welsh prince Llywelyn who already had most of the Middle and Northern Wales at the time. The castle is surrounded by couple of smaller lakes and the gates got defensive locks which were new for that time. The southern and northern lakes around the castle formed an almost insurmountable barrier to the invaders. Unfortunately, the northern dam with its three large towers suffered a decline due to swampy soil. There is a large gate and drawbridge at the end of the towers.

It was thanks to its dams and walls the castle was sufficiently protected and withstood several attacks. Unfortunately, the castle was flooded several times and therefore, it began to deteriorate. However, it was in the late 18th century when John Stuart (the first marquess) started first steps towards a restorations and protections of the ruins. The next generation of Marquees continued the restoration. Through decades of buying houses around the castle, they managed to buy most of it and that’s why we don’t see many houses near the castle.

In the 21st century, the castle is managed by the Welsh Heritage Agency as a tourist attraction. The castle is a protected sightseeing and the large hall is available for wedding ceremonies.

What not to miss

Pick up a map at the entrance and buy a guide or download the app. The castle can be walked in an hour or in a half day. It is best to start in the inner part and walk around the fortifications and bypass the castle, see the dam. When I was at Caerphilly, there were dragons. It is practically up to you how long you want to spend here. There are no exhibition halls (except the Great Hall) but you can feel the history.  On the other hand, it is very nice to walk around the castle and enjoy the atmosphere.