Christmas in Cardiff

I am not going to talk about celebrating Christmas in Cardiff, because I’ve been lucky enough to be at home every single time. I am going to talk about the decorations and attractions Cardiff offers in the Christmas time. Everything from Winter Wonderland, deer to lights on Mary Street. So without further do, let’s get started.


Winter Wonderland is coming in the middle of November and ends in the beginning of January. It is without a question, the most visited and beloved. It is quite different in every city, therefore, let me explain a bit. In Cardiff, there would be an ice rink, few shops with food and drinks, attractions for small and big and this year even a big tower. That was quite surprising to see. I love ice-skating, so the ice rink is definitely something for me. Just a little tip – if you want to avoid the families, come in the morning. Not crowded at all, just people who know how to skate. A miracle!

The big wheel that is normally (most of the times) situated in the Cardiff Bay would move to Winter Wonderland that is situated in front of the Crown Court and Museum. There is always a little square where the radio station can be found everything kind of leads from there.


Deer in front of the Castle. Deer has been a tradition for three years now here in Cardiff. They are lighten up, so it’s better to see them in the night. Just a few steps further from the castle, there is either mary or Working street. Mary Street is known as the ‘flag street’, but in the winter it is known for its light’s decorations. Working street on the other hand offers some Christmas food and drinks as well as craft markets. It is Austrian or German themed, so Bratwurst it is. When in the Working Street, have a look into the David’s Shopping Centre where a Christmas tree can be found as well as the Christmas socks.